The Rubin Science Collaborations are hosting a Rubin LSST metrics hackathon on August 6 and 7, ahead of the 2020 Rubin PCW. This meeting will include a “hack day” followed by a “documentation day” on the Thursday and Friday before the 2020 Project Community Workshop (PCW) with the specific goal of ramping up technical expertise required to make the most of one’s participation in the PCW. To enable decisions about the Legacy Survey of Space and Time observing strategy are being simulated and will be evaluated by the SCOC . The PCW program includes a session on the observing strategy, with a discussion of the existing MAFs (metrics to evaluate a strategy) and OpSims (strategy simulations). The sophistication and extent of the Rubin LSST Metric Analysis Framework (MAF), however, has presented a daunting learning curve for astronomers who wish to contribute to this process and, as a result, some important metrics are still missing, while others still require a domain-expert review. The pre-PCW hackathon-style workshop we propose will prepare participants offering an active learning experience to ensure the greatest return from the PCW and allowing the community and Rubin team to close the loop on observing strategy metrics.
All slide decks etc being presented at the meeting are being accumulated in the event GitHub repo
Gordon Richard's LSST_OpSim repository link
SciServer instructions link
Federica Bianco's opening presentation link
Peter Yoachim's MAF quickstart repository link
Recordings of the meeting plenary sessions are in the process of being uploded to the Rubin LSST TVS Science Collaboration YouTube channel:
If you have MAF experience, we ask that you kindly help others during the hackathon. Please indicate your availability and contact details in this spreadsheet.
This event will comply with the Rubin LSST PCW Code of Conduct: please read the Code of Conduct carefully. In order to sign up you will be asked to answer a few questions about it